Think. Encourage. Create.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's all about the timing

I have a cat.  

A beautiful, cuddly, sweet, loving, and sometimes kinda frustrating cat.  

I adopted her in 2003 and I'm not exactly sure of her age but she's at least 11.  And recently my girl has developed arthritis. So every day I give her about a tablespoon of wet food with her Cosequin (like Glucosamine, only for cats) mixed in.  Mocha has always eaten dry food, and has never really liked the wet kind, so finding a flavor she'll eat (and I can stand the smell of) has been it's own adventure, but once we did... she loves it.  She loves it so much that nearly every time I go into the kitchen to make a meal, grab a snack, or even sometimes just to get some water, she sits at my feet, looking up at me expectantly.

"Is it time? Is it time? Is it time?"  She knows what she wants so badly, but I know she can only have it once a day, and that I need to give it to her around the same time every day.  She just knows she wants the treat!

So often as I watch her watching what I'm doing and I'm trying to get her to go do something else because I know it's not time yet, I can't help but think about God's timing.  How many times have I sat expectantly at His feet, begging for something I want so badly, thinking that it has to be time for my treat.  And yet He knows when to give me exactly what I need.

And I wonder... when I'm begging, and He knows why there is delay but I don't... does it break His heart a little, like it kinda breaks mine not to give Mocha what I know she longs for?  He knows what's best for me, just like I know what's best for her (at least in this instance), but it's still hard for me to wait till the proper time.  Is it hard for God not to give us the things we are begging Him for, even when He knows that giving them to us would do us more harm than good?

I do know that He desires to give us good gifts, and He wants us to ask Him for them (Matt. 7:7-11).  So I think I'll just keep sitting there at his feet, expectantly, and learn to trust that in time, He will give me exactly what's best for me.

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