Think. Encourage. Create.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Of Migraines and Malaise

Tonight I am doing something different, posting even when I feel like there is not much to say.  I had a terrible migraine today so I wasn't "out and about" and observing things.  So often at the end of migraine days I'm just kinda depressed.  Besides my body being in pain and fatigued, my brain usually just feels so fuzzy, like I can't put even one thought together in a coherent manner.

But I'm tired of being limited by this condition.  I read a quote the other day, I believe by one of the Nebraska Volleyball players... she said someone once told her not to be limited by what you can't do, but rather to focus on what you can do.  (That's not an exact quote obviously.)  That struck me so powerfully - having had chronic pain issues for most of my adult life, I had begun to be bogged down by it, feeling sorta useless.  Which, as anyone who has been through chronic pain issues can understand.  It wears on you, exhausts you... so many days you are simply surviving, trying to just make it through the things that absolutely *must* be done each day.  Forget the fun or "extra" stuff.  

So now I think it's time to remember the things I am good at, the things I can do.  One thing that has been great about this Christmas Season is that it has sparked my creative side again - making crafty gifts for friends and family.  And the amazing thing is that while I've been painting and crocheting, I have forgotten the pain for hours at a time!  It's been amazing!   I realize now that I need to keep a creative outlet, one that engages my mind and my hands.  And crocheting is incredibly relaxing.  Although... it is a cozy activity, something I will not want to do in the summer months (as I know from experience, I've been crocheting for years now), so it will be fun to find a new hobby when spring hits :)

I also can say that I am incredibly thankful for my wonderful chiropractor.

And now for tonight's fun Christmas song.  One of my very favorites!

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